How To Sell A Pen In An Interview

This is the most popular question that how to sell a pen or sell me this pen because of this question simply identify the suitable candidates for the job
Only those candidates can answer this question who have proper knowledge, skills, or education. This question can change a candidate career, there are lot’s of candidates who think that this question is very tough that’s why they search on the internet
For those candidates who can find the answer or wanted to learn how they start with the interview examiner, we describe some this topic on some line
Tips To Answer This Interview Question
There are 4 things that you should have that is
- Confidence
- Convince
- Patience
- Loyalty
when you are in the interview room and the examiner asks you that sell me this pen you need to calm down take a deep breath and direct eye contact with your examiner then give smile then use that 4 things with your knowledge, skills, or education you must sell the pen to the examiner but if you haven’t knowledge skills or education you can’t understand how to apply those 4 things on the examiner